Thursday, May 13, 2010

Misty rain

Ahhh, there's nothing like a long misty rain to rejuvenate the garden. Much as I dislike being cold and wet, I know just how much the garden appreciates this weather.

A big bonus to misty rain is that it's a great photo opportunity!

In this opening shot you're looking at my variegated Ginko, the variegation is just starting to appear on the leaves.

The succulents are wonderful rain drop catchers. They look as if they're studded with jewels. I am so enamored with these babies, I hardly want to work any where else in the garden right now.

Up close and personal, see how the fine little hairs (officially called cilia) catch the mist? These little babies are not sharp like cactus, they are soft to the touch and while I wear gloves out in the garden, when I play with my succulents, I need to feel them with my bare skin.

The Hosta are starting to put on their show, when they first emerge the colors can be quite muted but give them a little time and they really start to shine!

Of course the all time favorite for catching mist, rain or dew is Alchemilla mollis (Ladies Mantle). I love this plant so much but have given up potting it up for people as I just can't get it to sell. (If you want some, I'll dig it out of the garden for you.)

One last peek, in this combination photo you can see how different foliage catches water. On the far left is Nepeta musinii (cat mint) which has some water on it, mostly around the edges of the leaves. In the middle is Oreganum aureum (Golden Oregano) which doesn't look wet at all. On the right side is the star of this photo, Sedum 'Lynda Windsor' with her smoky colors and huge diamond-like drops of moisture.

It's still chilly here but the sun is shining now so I'm off to play with my hens and chicks. Hope you are all reveling in your late spring gardens!