Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Calie the wonder dog

Woof! This is Calie the wonderdog. She's 3/4's standard poodle and 1/4 yellow lab which makes her a 100% lovable Labradoodle.

As you can see, she really enjoys the snow. We always though she was part polar bear too and now we can see the truth.

We got Calie one year ago, February 2006. Our intention was to get a Wheaton terrier but when the breeder brought out this fluff ball, our hearts melted.

Don has allergies so we needed a non-allergenic type dog. Labradoodles aren't always non-allergenic but Calie has been no problem.

We don't know what it was about her that sold us but the minute they carried her in the room we just knew she was meant to be ours.

Emily is the one in the pink shirt, Lauren is in the red and white striped shirt, Calie has the brown nose :-)

Unfortunately, we hadn't had a dog before and should have started training her from the moment we brought her home.

Little dogs do things that are cute, big dogs do things that hurt. We had no idea and neither did Calie. Letting her jump on people seemed cute at first but a 70 lb dog jumping in your lap is not cute!

So join me in a photo adventure of Calie the wonder dog and I'll try to pass on some of the do's and don'ts of dog-ship.

Warning, don't click on these photos, they will be gigundo. Firefox is giving me a problem with downloading photos to this site so I'll need some help before I can get small photos here again.

Don't: Aw, how cute. Calie is trying to get her liver treats off the table, let's take a picture!

Do: Teach your dog that silence is golden and no nipping allowed.

Don't encourage your dog to hang out over the baby fence. Calie still respects the fence but knocks it down when she tries this.

Do ask for help and bring a professional in to work with your dog. Thanks Mare!

Don't let them sleep on the couch or they will ruin it.

Don't let their hair get this long or it will get knotted (matted). Even if they look cute.

If you do let their hair get matted (I was brushing her almost an hour a day at that point) DON'T let the groomer get carried away! Poor Calie needed therapy after this hair cut.

Do take your dog for lots of walks. It's not only good for the dog but good for you too! Calie and I love to hike the Walt Whitman trails in West Hills (South Huntington) New York.

Don't expect your dog to consider any available trash can as anything but a candy shop.

But most of all, Do love your dog with all your heart that's how they love you.

P.S. Note, new couch but who's still on it?


  1. Anonymous7:40 PM

    I love seeing photos of Calie. She look the kind of dog that I love to pet. You take great photos.

    Mark A. Cook

  2. Melanie,

    oh, what a cute dog you have!

    But first of all, thanks a lot for passing by my little blog and leaving a comment. I am glad you enjoyed your "stay". New visitors are always highly welcome.

    Greetings from a rainy Germany!

  3. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Don't blame the groomer for that haircut! I groomed for too, too long and know that a big, never-been-groomed-before-puppy is probably not going to sit quietly and behave for all of the sawing and yanking out of down-to-the-skin knots that an owner probably didn't know were still there after their best combing out efforts. Beautiful dog!

  4. Anonymous7:37 PM

    ABSOLUTELY PRECIOUS SHE IS! I just came across your website and I have to lete you know how excited I am about it.  I watched my mothers love for gardening and always appreciated anything green.  I'm finally in the position to do some planting of my own and will definately be looking to your website for ideas and expertise... in fact I have been already. The pictures you take amazing also.  I have to go now, I wasn't done looking! :-)  Cindy in Ronkonkoma.KEEP UP THE LOVELY WORK!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment here for me. I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can. Sometimes my life seems to go speeding by in the fast lane but please know that I read every comment and love to hear from you!