How apropos the term "Green with Envy" is when applied to gardening.
If you are a gardener and you visit any other gardens, the time will come when you will see a sight that just blows you away. Luckily I get to see lots of gardens and I confess, many a time I come away wishing I could grow something that I've seen in that garden.
Sitting here in my chair, doing my virtual gardening thing (hey, it's 12 degrees outside and a sheet of ice) my eye was caught by this series of photos. I can honestly say that of all the things I've seen so far on my various garden tours, this one structure and it's planting scheme has to be my all time favorite. If there's one thing I could have in my garden tomorrow, it would be this little house, lock stock and barrel.
I guess you'd call this building a Potting Shed and the world's most perfect potting shed it must be! It's quite small, just enough space to step inside and store some of your larger tools. But the outside, oh my, every inch of this shed is a delight to see.
The roof is what blew me away at first, chock-a-block full of succulents, Sedum, Sempervivum and all kinds of luscious goodies.
Then there's the mirror, perfectly placed on one side to reflect more loveliness out in the garden.
On the opposite side I saw my first living wreath. It was so inspirational that I've made many of these now on my own. At least it's something that I can easily do here.
Of course the perfect potting shed has to have a potting area. As you can see in the photo here, one side of the building has a built in potting table and lots of clay pots to play with.
As a final touch, the plantings all around, leading up to this building and along the walkway were just perfect. Wonderful texture, delightful color and a smorgasbord of delicious plant material.
What a perfect place. When I tried to decide which photos to post here, I couldn't make up my mind so I've included them all.
Hope you love it as much as I do. Oh yes, I believe I saw this building on a garden tour here on Long Island at a commercial place called "Beds & Borders".
Me, too! That's wonderful! Please do an online class on the living wreath (or at least consider it)...people would love it! Especially me, lol!