Happy Memorial Day!
Today is a day for parades. My daughter Lauren is marching for the very last time with the Walt Whitman High School marching band. She graduates in a few weeks and marching band/color guard has been a major part of her life for the last 4 years. I am so proud of her!
In memory of all the service men and woman who have fought and those who gave their lives for our country I salute you.
This photo parade is dedicated to a man I never met, I don't know even know his first name. My father's father, my grandfather, either named Manfred or Helmut (stands to reason as my Dad was Manfred Helmut Dorausch and his brother was Helmut Manfred Dorausch). My Opa was killed while fighting on the Russian front during World War II as a German soldier. If he was like my Dad, he was a gentle soul and loved the outdoors so this parade is dedicated to him.
Blooming today, May 28, 2007 in South Huntington New York, zone 6b are the following treasures.
Today is a day for parades. My daughter Lauren is marching for the very last time with the Walt Whitman High School marching band. She graduates in a few weeks and marching band/color guard has been a major part of her life for the last 4 years. I am so proud of her!
In memory of all the service men and woman who have fought and those who gave their lives for our country I salute you.
This photo parade is dedicated to a man I never met, I don't know even know his first name. My father's father, my grandfather, either named Manfred or Helmut (stands to reason as my Dad was Manfred Helmut Dorausch and his brother was Helmut Manfred Dorausch). My Opa was killed while fighting on the Russian front during World War II as a German soldier. If he was like my Dad, he was a gentle soul and loved the outdoors so this parade is dedicated to him.
Blooming today, May 28, 2007 in South Huntington New York, zone 6b are the following treasures.
Salvia 'Eveline' brand new to the garden last week.
Oenothera 'Cold Crick' against Sedum 'Frosty Morn'
Oenothera 'Cold Crick' against Sedum 'Frosty Morn'
Geranium macrorrhizum 'Bevan's variety' which I totally missed when writing about hardy Geraniums! To be fair, I didn't photograph every geranium in bloom today but I couldn't resist a few of them. This magenta color seems to be impossible for my camera to capture.
The bank of Rhododendrons that were the only flowering thing here when we moved to this house almost 11 years ago. I also had to capture my hubby Don who is installing a new sprinkler head before our masons arrive to work all kinds of magic out front.
Polygonatum - an unvariegated variety given as a treasured garden gift.
And that's all folks, stay tuned, I've working on a piece on Sedums based on their foliage, not their bloom. Also should be doing a piece on Hosta real soon.
Opa, you'd be so proud to see your great grand-daughter Lauren. She looks like an Italian but marches like a German!
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