Saturday, March 01, 2008

Garden Basics - V - Z

"V" is for Vegetables
How can I have thousands of garden related photos and not find an image of a vegetable? This shot of the entrance to a vegetable garden will have to do. If you look close maybe you'll see the runner beans.

"V" of course is for Victory Garden!
Lots of lovely colored lettuce here.

"V" is also for Vines
Mandavilla has become extremely popular in our area (and very expensive too)

"W" is for Water
Water comes in so many forms, natural, man made accents and of course, ways to water your garden. The above photo is my daughter Emily (about 5 years ago) on a garden tour. Who could resist this lovely bridge and natural water feature?

"W" is also for Wildlife
It figures that just as these darn chipmunks create chaos in my garden they have to make a cute movie about them. I don't even dare mention my frustration about them let alone ways to rid my garden of these adorable but destructive creatures.

"X" is for Xeriscape
As the world becomes aware of the need to preserve drinking water, we will find this topic becoming more and more necessary. This is a small example of Xeriscaping.

"X" is for Xeriscape with a medium sized example

"X" is for Xeriscape - the ultimate example
Can you tell how important I think this topic is? This is my dream shed, check that roof out, it's planted entirely in drought resistant plantings. If I could have one dream item in my garden, I think it might have to be this one.

"Y" is for Yard
(The slide I had for my class was so blah that I took a look at it and said "yuck" and forgot what "Y" was for!)

"Y" is for yard (yes again, I still have to wipe that yucky image out of my mind)

"Z" is for Zone
Know what your growing zone really is. Our zone is listed as 6b or 7 depending on what you use as a reference. Yet, look at this photo. We get long deep freezes with no snow cover and then multiple freeze thaw cycles. Be award of what your growing conditions are (by the way that's my husband Don playing hockey on our frozen solid swimming pool).

Hope you had as much fun as I did...

...the end


  1. Melanie .. I am so glad that you explained THAT Don was on TOP of the pool cover playing hockey .. that it WAS FROZEN .. because I thought he "walked on water" for a minute there girl ! LOL
    Holy smokes ! LOL
    Another die hard hockey fan wins over an opportunity to tweak nature ? LOL
    Joy (giggle snort snort )

  2. I had to come back for a second look. I love all of your pictures. This was a fun series. Thanks for sharing it.

    Oh and you have a brave husband playing on the pool tarp, even if it is frozen. Yikes!

  3. Great series of posts....I really enjoyed them!


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