Monday, March 17, 2008

Go Green

Happy St. Patrick's Day! The power of green is an awesome thing. I find green an extremely soothing color and just love all the different shades and textures that I can find in a garden. A simple Hosta mutation shows you how beautiful green can be.

Gardeners with shade sometimes moan and groan but look at all the amazing green combinations you can have. I will show this slide over and over again because I love it so much. I can't even pick a favorite plant here, they are all so beautiful.

More green texture in the shade garden, splashes of white and blue too.

An emerald green lawn, kind of looks like a golf course to me :-)

Soft and sculptured leaves on my Viburnam.

Tropical shapes on the Ipomea (Sweet Potato vine).

And to finish things off, a river of green (Hakonechloa aureola)

Are you green today?


  1. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Nice pictures! I'm sorry to say but not "green" today. I'm white - if you see what I mean....

  2. "Top of the morning to you" Melanie. The value and quality of green in a landscape is often misunderstood or overlooked. Your hosta picture is a wonderful example of how you can create interest within a narrow color field using texture, shape and contrast. Wonderful!

    Great idea for a post, BTW.

  3. melanie .. your plants always looks so lush and GREEN ! .. great post .. I have to try and access some of my old pictures for some GREEN for the day .. I'm wearing a green bracelet .. and have green eyes (do they count ? .. the eyes ?) .. last name is very Irish, so I can coast on that one ? LOL
    PS .. I got spamed today .. not lucky ?

  4. I love all that green. I am dreaming for the day when we will once again see the same thing. THe snow is disappearing and we have seen robins, so it's not too far away. As of today, we're not in the green yet.

  5. Beautiful and lush. I love the hakonechloa grass

    I posted already but am going to add some green.

    clay and limestone

  6. Those pictures make me dream of all these wonderful months to come ,where everything turns green. Your photos are wonderful, especially that one you like looking at "over and over again". It is immaculate,the leaves are just perfect and also they way you combined these different greens and shapes! But as down-to-earth gardener, I wonder...don´t you have any snails?

  7. Please, Melanie, could you tell me the name of the small blue flowers in the third photograph?
    I also love "green"!!!!
    Thanks a lot.
    María José Souto

  8. so pretty Melanie - such nice combinations of shades, textures, and leaf shapes.

    I have a moss green hoodie on today. Not kelly green, but green all the same!

  9. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Well, if I'm not green today, I should be. I've spent the afternoon planting seeds and getting dirty. I love the different green hues. Have to have lots of green foliage plants in the garden to dim the overpowering color of flowers.

  10. Absolutely lovely photos. I'm going to have to go back and thank Joy at GardenJoy4Me for pointing the way here.

    I had to take a second look when I arrived. I could have sworn it was a 'client's' home. It even has the same looking vehicle parked in the usual spot. On closer inspection the house is different but the general layout and landscaping is an eerie reflection of the recent past.

    I can't help wanting to visit and talk garden with you. Unlike most lectures I get from my better half I would like to hear one of yours :) - My client could use one too - I'm having a hard time convincing him Hostas and other 'foliage' plants belong in the yard.

    I live 400 miles away so am basically lost down there. I'm hoping you might know of some real "gardeners" that can be hired to maintain an established perennial garden/landscape. And of course any rcommendations to more 'suppliers' would be welcome.

  11. I love that picture of the hostas with the white and blue pops of color. Wonderful!

    I'm not wearing green today, but then again I'm not Irish. I enjoy celebrating St. Patrick
    s day anyway!

  12. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Thank you!! I've been stressing all day over color for my new gardens. You just gave me the OK--to just go for it. Put it all in!! Sometimes I'm just too nuts over everything being just the right this or that---this mismatch of greens is beautiful.

  13. Anja, hope you're feeling "green" soon!

    kjohnson, hosta do so well here in our area, there really are few areas in our town that are "full sun".

    joy, can't believe you got spammed already, maybe I did too but didn't even figure it out? Duh?

    jane marie, hope the snow is melting soon for you. We were quite chilly today but it was so sunny that you'd forget and run outside with just a sweatshirt on and then WHAMMO, it was cold!

    gail, that hakone grass is just so awesome! I have to divide some this year but I hate to touch it as it's so pretty right now.

    Sisah, yes, we do have snails, here we have slugs which are snails without shells (even more ugly). This garden photo is from a very dry shade garden so slugs hate it there. In my other shade gardens I scatter lots of egg shells and don't use wood chips which gives the slugs hiding places.

    Maria Jose, there are two plants with blue flowers in that photo. On the right is Brunera Jack Frost (I'm not sure on the variety name) and on the left with silvery foliage is Pulmonaria 'Majeste'. They are both wonderful growers here on Long Island (east of New York City).

    garden girl, a green hoodie is good. I have on a green shirt that I don't like very much. It's really supposed to be thermal underwear but nobody would know it. Can't believe I wore it to the high school today. Luckily it was so cold that I kept my brown hoodie on most of the time.

    Brenda, lucky you! I don't think I'll get time in the garden much in the next few days. Our schools aren't closed for the week because we get vacation for Passover instead. I guess I shouldn't be upset, by the time it's Passover it will be nice garden weather :-) Enjoy getting dirty!

    wiseacre, I can put together a list of suppliers in this area but it's almost impossible to get a gardener right now. One idea might be to contact SUNY Farmingdale (the local state university). They have a big hort dept. and many students are adults that have gone back to school. Maybe they post a "help wanted" list?

    Cinj, I don't have a drop of Irish in me and neither do my kids but we always end up marching in the St. Patrick's Day parade for one group or another. One year my daughter got to march in the Columbus Day Parade down 5th Avenue in Manhattan. It was so cool!

    Anna, don't go nuts, "plants on wheels" is my motto. If it doesn't work, move it somewhere else.

    Ok, time for bed, it's been a crazy day. So glad all of you stopped by, this is the highlight of my day.

  14. Thanks a lot again!!!
    I am going to find information about them because I would like to have them in my garden!!!
    Best regards!!

  15. Hi Melanie - thanks for visiting my blog and leaving the feedback on my slideshow!

    You've excelled yourself with all the St Paddy's day greenery. When I worked for an Irish Bank, they turned their intranet green in celebration each year, but I reckon you could show them a thing or two!

  16. i think all of your pictures are beautiful. such great texture and combinations! i wish i could come see your garden in person!

  17. Thanks to Garden4Joy, I just discovered your site. Beautiful posting! You have a beautiful landscape and you use many of the same plants I do. Are you pretty shady over there? :-)

  18. Very good pictures!! I wish I had that much land!!


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