Friday, March 21, 2008

Tag... I'm it!

Cinj, over at Cinj's Chat Room has tagged me. I've never been blog tagged before but this is how it works. I have to post 10 weird or random facts about me that most people don't know. Then at the end I tag 5 more bloggers and state why I tagged them.

Number 1: I adore my wonderdoodle Calie with all my heart but deep down inside I desperately miss having a cat. This was our first cat, Muffin with my daughter Lauren. Actually I miss Lauren too as she's away at school and this will be our first Easter without her here.

2. I'll never be as brave as Lauren (who's all grown up now).

3. If I was deserted on an island and could only have one kind of food, it would have to be cheese, or ice cream...nope, make it cheese.

4. I never go to church but I pray every German.

5. Not only do I have slugaphobia but I can't touch worms either (and forget about mice, snakes, rats, and cicadas).

6. I could walk for 20 miles and not get tired.

7. I collect rocks, just can't seem to stop picking them up.

8. I'm a book fanatic, sci-fi and fantasy are my thing. I first read the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings in High school and they blew me away (So did all the Harry Potter books).

And now, I saved the weirdest ones for last:

9. When I was a kid I took accordion lessons for two years. We lived in Queens (New York City) and I had to ride my bicycle to the lessons with the accordion in a monster sized basket on the front of my bicycle. Double dork!

10. When I was 13 and 14 I danced with a German Schuhplattler dance troupe (think Oktoberfest dancers) and many times they only had beer for us to drink when we got off the stage.

Ok, now I have to tag 5 more people, this is the hardest part. There are people I'd like to tag (like Kim) but they don't have blogs.

1st I'll tag Blue Fox at "Blue Fox garden" since she and I have the same values when it comes to house keeping.

2nd I"ll tag Anna at "Life at RavenCroft" since I know her as a daylily nut but there's more I'd like to know.

3rd I'll tag Linda at "Garden Girl" as I love everything she's written so far.

4th I'll tag Carol at "Terra Nova design" because she loves Maine Coon cats and I wish I could have one!

5th I'll tag Frances at "Faire garden" because in my heart I'm a fairy, elf, dwarf and magic lover.


  1. Sorry! Thanks for being a good sport though. Fun facts! I think I'm with you on the Lauren being braver than I. YIKES!

  2. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Hey, I got a lump in my throat when you said your daughter was off at college. I still haven't gotten over my kids leaving and they've been gone a long time. We are celebrating Easter next weekend. I got to work tomorrow and my oldest son is coming home next weekend. Seems like we never get to do birthdays or holidays on time anymore---schedules!! I enjoyed reading your little known facts about yourself. I can walk forever too but hate any mental stress!!

  3. Great fun, Melanie. I'm sure it IS hard to be without Lauren this Easter. You'll all be in my thoughts, though. And I can't imagine life without cats...not a chance. Happy Easter, Spring or whatever else you might celebrate (and here's to warmer weather, too.)

  4. Anonymous6:09 AM

    I'm with you (#3)...can never have too much cheese!

    I was glad to see #5...Though I appreciate their place in the garden, I don't like touching worms either...obviously it hasn't held you back in your gardening!

  5. Thanks??? In the throes of the flu, my brain is unable to wrap itself around this game. Maybe later, is there a time limit?

  6. Melanie, Lauren is braver than me as well! I could never in a million years do that. My post is up, and you'll know why I could never parachute after you read it!

    Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you enjoy my writing.

    p.s. I have sluggophobia too. I hate those slimy little buggers. Worms are ok by me though.

  7. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Melanie...WOW! very impressive list :), I have a visual of you riding your bike with an accordion...Thanks for sharing!

    Happy Easter!

  8. I do love these because it gives me a better sense of who you are. The accordion thing made me smile.~~Dee

  9. I'm curious, what's the German connection? Growing up in Queens you are obviously not from Germany, but you speak German?:)

  10. Cinj, it was fun!

    Anna, yes, this college thing is tough, especially when Lauren has to go to spring training for the crew team over spring break :-(

    Jodi, someday I'll have a cat again, probably when we retire and move to a less populated area.

    Lin, when my girls were little I made my Dad put worms in their hands and have them hold them so they wouldn't be like me. My youngest daughter Emily picks them up all the time.

    Frances, all you should do now is work on feeling better. You can be tagged later or never, it's up to you. Just feel better!

    Garden Girl, I loved your post!

    Minnesota Kathi, that's some image of me, add long blond hair in braids, ouch, I'm still trying to get rid of that image!

    Dee, I still have that accordian, my Dad brought it from Germany with him and the case has all the labels from the ship.

    Bek, I was 9 months old when my family came to America. I was born in Hamilton, Canada to two German immigrants. We spoke German at home, especially when with cousins, aunts and uncles. When I was 7, 9, and 11 my mom sent me over to Germany for the summer. She's the youngest of 10 children so I had plenty of relatives to stay with. The year I was 11 I stayed the whole summer on a farm outside of Hamburg. That's where my love of gardening comes from.

    This summer my Mom is taking be back to Germany and I'll be able to walk that farm again. I think I'll be crying my eyes out with happiness.

  11. melanie .. you did a great job with this tag !
    So do you hold dual citizenship with Canada and the US ?
    There are lots of German communities all over Canada .. quite a large one in N.S. in fact.
    My grandfather (mother's father) came from Hanover .. mix that with the stubborn Scots on my fathers side .. well .. you don't want to cross someone of that lineage ? LOL
    Great post !

  12. What an absolutely wonderful post. Thank you for your 10 insights. I particularly liked the skydiving picture. It reminded me of one my daughter brought back from an "adventure' camp she attended. There she was perched high (and I mean High) on a rock face grinning wildly with what seemed to me to be very little support. They have to grow their own way. Me...I am afraid of heights. That's why I play in the soil.


  13. It was fun getting to know you better. I'm terrified of heights, and the picture of your daughter made me shiver. Is that actually bravery? :0)

  14. Anonymous11:21 AM

    I don't know if there are 10 facts that no-one knows about me, I snivel so much! Giving it a try Melanie, so check back later!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment here for me. I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can. Sometimes my life seems to go speeding by in the fast lane but please know that I read every comment and love to hear from you!