Saturday, April 26, 2008

Today's The Day

This morning I drove my daughter to a friends house. It was early, and although we had anticipated bad weather, it is delightful outside. I drove the back roads even though it takes a bit longer. You see, today's the day. The day that all the Norway Maples popped into chartreuse glory, the Bloodgood Maples are masses of maroon, the Forsythia are still blooming and every other blooming tree is trying to out do the other ones.

In my own garden I was digging out my white Siberian Iris when I realized I had totally forgotten to blog this morning. Here's some photos I shot quickly.

Over night the Lunaria opened, they are perfect next to the Helleborus foetidus blooms.

The first blooms on the Viburnum 'Mohawk' have begun to open and already their amazing perfume is filling the air.

The un-named, $5 Azaleas I rescued from a flower show a few years ago are doing their magic.

My absolute favorite tree, the Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum' (Moon maple) is beginning to unfurl.

The new growth on the rescued Pieris japonicas is like fire with the sunlight filtering through the Pin Oak branches.

Oh yes, today's the day when spring has truly busted out all over.

Happy Spring!

P.S. My box store adventure was a bust. I can only tell you that Walmart is not the place to go for plants. I don't think I was there for more than 2 minutes. They did have nice Columbines but the potting soil was bone dry and I was afraid they had been too stressed out. I'll try out Lowes later this week.


  1. Melanie, So many beautifully colored and varied blooms. I'm not familiar with most of them but then that's why I visit. I admire them from afar and learn lots about what I don't grow. HA. It sounds simply wonderful where you are and so glad spring has finally come full on in all its glory.
    Meems @Hoe&Shovel

  2. melanie .. yesterday was my garden center FIND day ! .. I finally found Pinky Winky after being told it might be a year before we see it here. Canadian Tire garden center came through for me ! .. Also found Niobe after buying Henrii clematis of course .. but hey .. it is all good !
    Great pictures of such pretty plants !

  3. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Great pictures - sorry your trip to Walmart wasnt a success. I think they own our chain here in the UK called Woolworths and they do great plants

  4. Hooray Spring! Nice to see so many pretty things bursting out of hibernation at Old Country Gardens. Happy Spring Melanie!

  5. Happy Spring to you too! We're actually having warm weather today. Maybe it will finally stop snowing :)

  6. The trees here are beautiful too. I love spring.

  7. What a wonderful gift nature has given to you. I love it when it seems like the world is bursting with blooms. I hope that is happening in MN when I go back next weekend. Spring was always such a beautiful time in my garden I left behind!

  8. So nice to see spring unfurling beautifully in your part of the world, Melanie. We've had several days of very cool weather that has put everything into stasis, which suits me fine because it won't grow too much before I get home to start dealing with it!

  9. Anonymous10:53 PM

    As always, we are a bit ahead of you down here so I'm seeing your joy and remembering how I felt a few short weeks ago. It is so nice and welcoming to see it happen. New life brings happiness.

    Melanie, I'm a bit concerned with the growing medium some growers used this year for their annual and some perennial plants. It's definately different than last year. Plants aren't staying healthy as long at the stores. I pulled one of plants out of the pot to examine the soil and it was pitiful at best. I think growers are trying to recoup losses from the drought and gas prices rising. Using cheeper growing mediums means stressed plants. It's not looking too good. I'm seeing plants die within 3 days of coming off the truck. It's costing the retailer more to keep it alive. Just a thought. Be on the look out and tell me what you think.

  10. Beautiful photos :)


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