Sunday, May 04, 2008


How to you say "I'm sorry" to somebody you hijacked?

Oh woe is me, I think I hijacked somebody today. I was expecting one or two people to stop by and help me with some plant sale things. Somebody was supposed to drop off five clumps of Hosta (they never arrived). I also knew a delightful woman named Chris (a student from my class) was going to stop by at some time to check out the plants for the sale.

Well, my fried brain thought that Chris was here to work when the poor gal was probably just here to buy. I barely let her get out of her car before I handed her some gloves and steered her over to the potting area. Two minutes later she was stuffing daylilies in pots as fast as I could divide them. Not a single complaint but my head kept telling me something was wrong.

At that time another woman arrived. This woman has come here several years now and buys like crazy. I have a secret suspicion that her goal is to grow everything I grow because she buys almost one of everything I have potted up (unless she bought it last year).

Poor Chris, every time she picked up a pot to question me about the plant the woman would take it immediately and add it to her pile.

Most of the plants weren't labeled or priced yet, the photo above shows the bloom on the Stokesia seedlings I had potted up. I don't remember if Chris got one, the other woman surely did.

This hardy Geranium was given to me years ago. One day when I divided it I found a name with a tag but I'll be darned if I can remember that name since then, all I remember is it was a persons name, not a word like "Orion". It seeds nicely in semi-shade and I know Chris got a pot of this one.

(Oh wait! Hooray!! I just checked out a Geranium site and as soon as I saw the name I knew it, this is Geranium oxonianum 'Claridge Druce'.)

There was only one pot of Polygonatum humile and I made sure Chris got that too. Calie had just knocked it over earlier and we had plopped them back in the pot.

This is Centaurea montana. Both Chris and the other woman chose these plants even though they started wilting in the pots. We had such a nice misty morning and all of a sudden the sun came out full force. Almost everything was wilted and I mentioned that the plants would be happier in the shade. Chris took my hint and moved all of her choices to the shade but the other womans poor plants started to look like spinach that was in the frying pan too long.

It wasn't until Chris left that I realized I had hijacked her. I am so embarrassed, I can't believe I made her work here. I've got to think of something to make it up to her. She was really admiring this Hosta 'Whiskey Sour' but I only have a small piece in my garden.

Maybe a pot of Corydalis and a pot of Iris cristata? I forgot I potted up a few of these darling Iris and they were tucked in a shady corner. Also a piece of the nice Epimedium that's finishing up out front. I promised her a piece of that as soon as I get to digging it.

What a way to start out a new friendship.

Boy is my face red (and it's not a sunburn either).


  1. I think if she didn't already like you, she might have told you all about your error! But, it will be a nice surprise if you give her a gift or two. :-) Beautiful plants. I'd love to take advantage of your sale, too!!!

  2. Anonymous1:01 AM


    I suspect Chris saw you needed some assistance and didn't mind helping...I know I would have felt that way and been happy to help! I think telling her what you said here and gifts of the plants you mentioned will let her know how much you appreciated her help. Talk to her and I bet you both will laugh over it.

    You've got a lot on your plate right now, understandable to be a bit distracted.

    Good luck on your sale!

  3. Anonymous6:50 AM

    I think you have a true gardening friend! Someone you can depend on to just plunge in with little encouragement. I dare say she may have enjoyed herself immensely! LOL at this story and your little 'wonder doodle' with mud on his paws in the previous post.

  4. I agree with all that Chris has a generous nature. BTW could you tell me more about your sale on the 10th? I'd love to come.

  5. I can only imagine how busy you must be Melanie! Chris is certainly a good sport.

    Oh how I wish I lived closer to you. Your sale must be one of the most anticipated gardeners' events of the season on Long Island. Such a wonderful variety of plants.

  6. If she minded she would have said something. She probably enjoyed the chance to play in the dirt. Most gardeners do!

  7. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Like the others, I'm sure that if Chris hadnt wanted to help she would have said. I do think though a surprise gift would be the icing on the cake for her. She probably realised how stressed you were

  8. What a wonderful friend and I think you have begun to thank her....millions of your loyal readers now want Chris to be their gardening friend. I have a suspicion that had you been in Chris's position you would have put on the gloves and started planting, no questions asked!

    The gift of the plants will be a lovely surprise for her.


  9. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Well, I always tell my grown daughters that if you don't ever do anything, you don't make mistakes. And if you don't make mistakes, you're surely dead. So that's the way I "try" to look at little snafus that I personally make. I'd just explain the situation. Give her something to make up for what you think the "snafu" was worth. And then when she thinks of you, the nice gift will be what springs to mind first!

  10. Oops! It sounds like something I would do! Well, it seems that she must not have minded helping or she would have said something. I'm sure she probably learned a bit of something too. I'm sure a nice new plants would be welcomed though.

  11. Heck I bet she had a great time.
    Funny story(-: Maybe she thought in order to get in on the sale early she had to work

  12. I agree with everyone. I think Chris would have found an out if she really minded. It looks like you have found a really good soul. Maybe you should give her a plant and invite her on a garden center outing with you.

  13. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Hi Melanie!

    I'm just dropping a note. If you still need a helping hand I'd be happy to help! Im free on Wed afternoon, just give me a call. Hope all is well! ~Jackie

  14. Hi everybody, I hope to have a few moments in the morning to comment to all of you. Just wanted to leave a note here to Jackie. Thanks so much for the offer! The biggest chore is watering the plants and right now it looks like mother nature is going to take care of that for me. After the plant sale I'll take you up on your offer, that's when I get to replant anything that doesn't sell and also plant all my new plants. It's much more fun!

  15. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Hi Melanie!

    Sorry I just got your message only after leaving you a message on your post for today (5/5)! ugh! Im still learing how to post etc so please bear with me! Anyway, that sounds great! I look forward to seeing you on Sat then. I've told lots of friends about your fundraiser! Thanks for getting back to me. ~Jackie

  16. Anonymous8:46 PM

    What a wonderful story Melanie, I bet Chris enjoyed herself and will have a wonderful story to tell others! If I showed up to buy and was put to work I'd call it a sign :). Your plants are so beautiful :)


Thank you so much for leaving a comment here for me. I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can. Sometimes my life seems to go speeding by in the fast lane but please know that I read every comment and love to hear from you!