Friday, May 02, 2008

My package arrived!

My package arrived! I was so excited I met the UPS man half way down the driveway.

It's been many years since I've ordered perennials (other than daylilies) by mail. We've had a wealth of nurseries here on Long Island and I rarely had to go far to find what I wanted. In the past few years though a number of those locations have closed down. Also, I have been lusting over a particular perennial for a few years and just could not locate it.

My shipment came from Digging Dog Nursery in California. I had chosen the ship date so I knew exactly when these plants would come. Inside the box was a nice letter telling me what to do when my plants arrived. I actually stopped and took the time to read the letter.

Time to pull back the stuffing and here they are, the stars of my order, Lysimachia ephemerum. I have only seen photos of this plant and read a number of accounts that it is a "clumper" not a "runner" like other Lysimachias. Only time will tell. If you want to see why it excited me so much you'll have to go to google images and type in Lysimachia ephemerum. I wanted this plant so badly that I ordered two of them and they looked just beautiful already, big fat, healthy plants.

The rest of the plants were more "fillers" for me. They are:
Campanula latiloba 'Alba
Centaurea Macrocephala
Uvularia grandiflora
Verbascum chaixii 'Wedding Candles'
Verbena hastata
Lychnis viscaria 'Schnee'
Salvia Sclarea 'Vatican White'

Other than the Lychnis, these plants were smaller than I was expecting but I'm really not familiar with them so it just might be what they look like in pots.

Upon unpacking them I gave them a good soaking as per the instructions. Then, since it was already early evening, I put them in a large pot for protection and brought them into my breezeway. Today I will plant a the larger ones directly into the garden. The smaller plants will go in pots with potting soil and given a little TLC. They just might need some fresh air and sunshine for a week or two.

In a little while I will go unpack my car which is loaded to the roof with the plants and containers from last night's class. As soon as I get things put back together I will take photos and show all of you some of the container arrangements I decided to do.

Today should be chock full of gardening as Kim and I have plans to also go to our favorite nursery for a little shopping spree. So much to do and see!

Till later,



  1. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Wow, Melanie! What a haul! And the plants look great, too. Digging Dog earns a "yes!!!" from me! And there's nothing as exciting as a much-anticipated box, is there?! Now you're tempting me to order a few more plants just for the thrill...

  2. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Oh, how exciting! There are not many feelings that can compare to seeing that box sitting by the doorstep ready to be opened is there?

  3. I know the feeling when plants you get are a bit smaller than anticipated, but it's SO exciting to get some new babies to care for. I got a couple of packages... was it last week? I took the day off the next day so I could take care of them. I can't wait until they're big enough for me to take pictures of. I have pictures of the gardens with one small leaf sprig showing, but hardly worth showing off on my blog.

  4. Anonymous2:49 PM

    How exciting - I love getting packages especially with plants. I grew some Centaurea Macrocephala from seed last year and they were about the size of the plants you have when I planted them out last summer. They didnt do much - no flower but this spring they are much bigger and really sprinting away. So be patient.

  5. melanie ! I searched thatplant and it does look NICE !
    I am waiting for my climbing roses from a nursery in P.E.I. .. Vesey seeds .. they do plants too. It is so fun to get something like that .. almost like Xmas ? LOL
    Good Luck !

  6. It is exciting to get the package then open it...My first day lilies were bareroot and it was a joy when they bloomed a month later. Gotta love daylilies1 I ordered a clematis this spring and when I opened the box it was 3 foot tall with 10 different vines. Wow!

    Do you know where these guys and gals are going to be planted?



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