Sunday, May 25, 2008

Still doing history...

I've been running into a little difficulty here. Namely, not enough time! Yesterday I tried to move as much of that mountain of compost (it still looks the same). When I had time to take photos it was during full sun and the shots were lousy. Still waiting for the right conditions so I can take more current photos.

This time we're transported back to 2003. Do you like my wheel barrow? It was second hand when we got it 22 years ago. I'd say that's one well used wheel barrow. I didn't like the fact that it had AL painted on it when we got it so I sponge painted it. I think it looked lovely at the end of the evening when I dead headed the daylilies.

Ah ha, must have gotten my gazebo in 2003. I quickly learned a lesson here. The wrought iron gazebo that looks charming in the store looks very different in the garden. As charming as it it, it tends to disappear from view.

Here's a shot of my gazebo from another angle, it's in a different spot now but I'm still not happy with the way it's set in the landscape. Maybe if I put a stone floor and plant some evergreens behind it it might pop more.

2003 was a big year as the stone wall around our pool was installed. The white chain link fence was still around the pool itself, yuck. Smart me bought my husband a saws-all with extra blades for Christmas that year. Bye bye chain link!

Guess my shade garden was really growing by leaps and bounds that year. I do miss this SUV as it really held so much but my new CRV get's much better gas mileage.

Check out these two Hosta. 'Blue Angel' on the left and 'Sum and Substance' on the right. Last summer they easily pushed through the fence line. I'm going to have to get out there and take a photo of this spot today for comparison to see how much larger they are 5 years later.

I was so wowed with this daylily seedling of George Rasmussen's that I was guesting in my garden. It just blew me away and rightly so. In 2006 it won the President's Cup at the American Hemerocallis Society national convention right here on Long Island. At that time I called it "banana split" but it has since been named to 'King's Golden Treasure'.

Ok, hopefully today I'll get some better photos. One thing for sure, I'll be shoveling compost till the cows come home.


  1. I just love the photo of the wheel barrow with deadheaded daylilies! And your prize winning daylily is fabulous! /Katarina

  2. Isn't it fun to look back through the changes you've made? I find it easier to page through my photo albums than the computer discs, so I don't do it as often as I used to. Those hosta are huge!

    As long as a wheelbarrow works, it should be put to good use. I like the daylilies in it.

    Try not to overdo it with that compost. Whew, I know how much work it is to move huge piles all over the yard. Hopefully you have some help.

  3. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Wow---they look awesome!! Your green thumb is really glowing. I get so much inspiration from you.

    Hey--Just wanted to tell you that my blog is down for quite awhile.... will be able to talk about that more in the future.

  4. I've enjoyed your trip in the Wayback machine. My digital photos go back only to 2006, but I have an album of photographs that go back to b4 I put in the garden, 15 years ago. Great for lifting the spirits on cold winter evenings.

  5. I love seeing your old photos. I certainly hope the cows do not come home to your house. That would be a nightmare...LOL(-: Believe me I know...

  6. Greetings again! It is great to be back online. Your Daylilies must be awesome if that was your dead heading load that year! I am anxious for mine to open. They are quite a bit bigger this year (year 2 since dividing and moving to my new house & garden).
    Drop by again - now that I am back posting!

  7. Anonymous5:07 AM

    What a nice trip down memory lane. I think you do need to have a paved area under your gazebo - it would seem more permanent then. At the moment it looks like it is waiting for something to happen!

  8. Anonymous6:18 AM

    So nice to look at the old photos!

  9. I love the shot of your wheelbarrow full of daylilies as well! Just beautiful.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment here for me. I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can. Sometimes my life seems to go speeding by in the fast lane but please know that I read every comment and love to hear from you!