Thursday, May 22, 2008


Do you grow vegetables in your garden? Today I plan on planting tomatoes, eggplants and peppers. The weather has not cooperated much for warm weather plants but has been perfect if you are growing a cool weather crop.

These photos were taken two weeks ago so I know things are much further along today. This is Paul's vegetable garden. Paul is my friend Kim's husband and he has really been bitten by the gardening bug in the last few years.

Last year they moved to a new home and garden. The property layout is stunning but there really was no place to put a vegetable garden. Then Paul had a fantastic idea. He found these amazing tables, potted up all his veggies and placed them along the nicely sheltered south side of the garage.

I'm most interested in watching Paul's potatoes grow. Kim told me yesterday that they've added 4 more inches of soil since these photos were taken and the plants are spilling out of the barrels.

How ingenious is this! I just love the idea of growing potatoes in large plastic garbage bins. They are high enough that you can pick off any munching creatures without bending over. The potatoes should be a breeze to harvest too.

By now the warm weather vegetables should be planted too so I need to drive over next week and take some more photos. I'll try to stop up the road at my friend Gianna's house too as her husband Richie has been planting his veggies in pots for years now.

Guess where I'm going to plant my tomatoes today. Yup, pots here for me too! I was hoping to get some photos this morning but it's been spritzing out there so that will have to wait a bit.

Off to get muddy...


  1. Wow great idea with the potatos(-: I have seen people grow tomatoes in the large cans too(-:

  2. Anonymous3:10 PM

    I love the iddea of veggie tables - particularly with wheels, so you can move them in and out of the sun!

  3. Two things Melanie...could Paul talk to my husband and help him get the gardening bug...I would love for M to take care of the veggies for me!

    And, the second thing...What a great idea for planting potatoes!

    Great post. Good luck with the tomatoes.


  4. Those look a great idea!
    I already grow tomatoes in 2-high car tyres, filling the place where the tread is with newspaper, although you could leave it for potatoes, and using a combination of potting mix and old horse manure. Is very successful.

  5. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Hello from the UK (Kent).
    We are very keen on growing vegetables . At the moment we are harvesting asparagus, yummy!
    Garlic is already growing as it's potatoes and sweetcorn.
    Planing to put courgettes , pumpkin, butternut squash ,beans.
    Artichokes are in my flower border (they do look nice that way). Rhubarb as well has very decorative leaves.
    We do have plenty of land for all that (around 10 acres), mostly under grass but a big chunch of it taken by our veg. garden.

  6. How big does a pot have to be to support a tomato or green pepper plant all season? Is a five gallon bucket big enough, do you think?

  7. What a lovely veg garden, thank you for sharing it with us. Lots of people are growing veg in pots in the UK but this is one of the neatest I've seen.

    Best wishes Sylvia (England)

  8. I've been growing vegetables since I got my first house in 1973. Some years I've had a garden that was too big, and when I had my farm in West Virginia the veggies grew in a well fenced space about 50 by 50. For a few years I just had tomatoes and peppers mixed into my perennial beds. I now have only about 25 by 25 feet and this year enclosed with a 7 foot tall fence since the deer ate too much last year. I'm growing tomatoes, peppers, onions, lettuce, swiss chard, broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, beets, green beans, lima beans, cucumbers, leeks, spinach, carrots, parsley, dill and basil. I also have a pumpkin patch, not yet planted, but which is about 15 by 50. Much as I love my flowers, I wouldn't be without a vegetable garden.

  9. I'm so glad you posted this today. I wanted to plant potatoes and was trying to figure out where to put them or which container would be large enough. Nothing seemed suitable, but I do have unused garbage cans!!

  10. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Hi Melanie
    I was really intersted to see the veggie tables. I have some troughs with veggies in this year which I havent tried before and I am also having ago at growing potatoes in thick plastic bags

  11. I'm also forced to grow my veggies in containers, but I have nowhere near as many or as nice a setup. Sweet dreams of that for me.

  12. This is a great looking vegetable garden! Container Gardening is a great choice for the home gardeners because there are no weeds, no digging, nor any need to rotate crops. And many vegetables can be grown in pots (provided they are big enough).


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