Monday, April 13, 2009

It's Here!

I think it must be great to work for UPS or one of the major delivery services. People must always be so happy to get packages. I almost hugged the UPS lady today when she came down my driveway as I knew from the long box she held in her arms that my sign had arrived!

My daughter Emily helped me tie it to the bed frame out front. Every time I looked at it there was another car slowing down to read what it said.

This photo was shot after sunset. My husband Don went out there and fixed the sign with plastic ties so it stretched flat and was easier to read. You can also see how the bed is set in the front of our property, near the road. Yes, that is a chain holding the bed to the tree, we've lost too many things in front of our house to trust that bed to stay there. One day soon I will be planting that bed, can't wait to play with that!

On the way back up the driveway I noticed that my Dutchman's Breeches (Dicentra cucullaria) are starting to bloom. These are the sweetest little things. They don't increase for me, I don't think I have the perfect environment for them but still, I just adore them. I also love those little pink tips popping up all over from the Polygonatum. Don't you?


  1. Congratulations! I am sure you are thrilled!!! That is going to be a great business for you! Are you going to sell online too?

  2. Congrats! A sign makes everything so official. I tried to finagle an antique wrought iron bed out of our local bottomless pit junk shop for a flower bed but he wouldn't sell it to me. Now I can watch how yours comes along.

  3. love it! I'm with Cindee are you going to do online sales ???
    hugs, Cherry

  4. Congrats, Melanie. You have made an interesting frame for the sign! I'm looking forward to seeing the frame planted with beautiful periennials.

  5. How exciting, Melanie! You're really "official" now! I love my Dutchman's breeches, and they spread every year with no help from me. I know you're not that far from me, so I don't know why yours aren't spreading, too! Maybe they just need a few more years.

  6. What a great idea. I think it's wise to chain a bed if you plan on keeping it. I guess many people figure if it's by the road it's free for the taking. Silly people!

  7. Oh Melanie, I would be jumping up and down with excitement! I love the bed and know that when you plant decide to plant it out...we can expect a beautiful sight! My Dutchman's Breeches has good blooming years and then not do good blooming years! This was an off year...But ait is one of my favorite wild flowers! Gail

  8. Looking forward to seeing your bed of blossoms. Dicentra culcularia is one of my favourite signs of spring too - rescued them from a dear old couple down the street when their house was being raised. Think of them every spring.

  9. It certainly makes a big statement. Looking forward to hearing how it goes.

  10. I think I have some of these Dutchmen Breeches in my yard. Last spring (first spring in my house) I ripped up a whole pile of them before the neighbor told me they were supposed to be there. Luckily they are coming back this year.


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