Thursday, April 16, 2009

Time to Divide!

This morning I only have a few minutes to put up a post. We are having our first perennial division work shop of the season here at 10:30.

I haven't decided yet what we are going to divide, for sure we will do one clump of daylilies as I have about 100 of them that need division. Besides the daylilies I will choose a few other perennials that people a growing around here. Hardy Geraniums like you see at the right in this photo will be a good choice. The Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold' (Golden Hakone Grass) is also due for division although I'm a bit nervous about this one myself. I'm only nervous because I love it so much I'm not willing to take a chance on losing it.

In the front beds I have Symphytum (pink comfrey in the bottom left) that could be divided, Coreposis (on the right) that definitely needs dividing and a very tall Thalictrum (seen against the pole) that desperately needs to be moved to a better location.

Actually the Thalictrum you see here is placed perfectly, I have another clump of it out in the middle of a border and it get's hammered by the wind when it's blooming. I want to move that one to a spot like this where it gets a little protection from a nearby structure.

Yesterday I divided the red daylily you see in this photo, it's name is 'Lana Ishee'. Today I think we'll divide the gold daylily with the red eye, 'Always A Pleasure'. The two of them make a perfect pair so if people buy one, I'd like to see them have the other availble too.

If you want to see what we use to make magic around here, take a minute and pop over to Melanie's Perennials. We've got a machine that makes gold!

Off to get ready, we're expecting perfect gardening weather for the next few days. Hooray!!!


  1. You're right, Melanie, those daylilies do make a perfect pair! And I too love Hakonechloa 'All Gold'. I think it would be awesome alternated with the (all-green) species. Have fun at your workshop!

  2. I love to divide plants and give them to friends. They love it.

  3. Good luck with your workshop Melanie. I divided a large purple phormium at the weekend - I do hope it will survive, it looks a bit floppy today but I kept telling myself that is to be expected!

    I am enjoying your new blog as well. Your magic maker is great, shame they don't sell them in the UK but I don't have enough trees to make use of one!

    Best wishes Sylvia (England)

  4. I want to hear more about your perennial separation workshop. Beauties your going to separation. I love to read your blog.

  5. So Many jobs it's difficult to decide what next to do.


  6. I'd love a clump of that "All Gold" that is really cool!

  7. Tell me about the perrenial division workshop. Good luck with the workshop. Let us know.

  8. Sounds like fun. Your gardens are beautiful.

  9. Okay, now "Always a Pleasure" is on my wish list! What a beauty! And I love your bedframe garden sign, Melanie!

  10. To Sylvia- Don't worry, I experienced the same thing when I divided some daylilies. They were floppy for a day or so after the shock of being divided, but they flourished after that!


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