Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Sweet, sweet woodruff

Galium odoratum doesn't sound half as nice as the nickname Sweet woodruff. This darling little woodland plant winds its way between stem and leaf with a charming habit.

For some reason though I haven't quite figured it out. I have sweet woodruff planted in my front garden (the one featured in the last post) and some years it looks wonderful there and other years it almost dies out.

Two parts of my back yard shade garden have nice stands of sweet woodruff. In fact, one area has so much of it that I've been taking pieces out and potting them up. I just adore this little darling and was surprised to see a 4 inch pot of it for sale yesterday for a whopping $6.49.

Yet another part of the back shade bed, only 50 feet or so away I have a stand of sweet woodruff that just limps along.

Right now my guess is that it needs soil that is rich with compost and doesn't tolerate dryness in the summer. Could that be right? The spots it thrives in are spots that the sprinklers reach and the spots it struggles in are dry locations.

Do you grow sweet woodruff? What's your experience with it?


  1. Very pretty, I love ground covers. Great post! ~Brooke

  2. The ground covers are beautiful. I don't have any wooddriff, but it sure looks nice!

  3. I too adore Sweet Woodruff. It likes the shade, and my patch began to take over my front garden. So, I've moved it to my new patch under the trees. I've patches of ground everywhere and more to be "cultivated" (for lack of a better word). Your garden is lovely.

  4. My sweet woodruff seem to have taken off good and lrge this year. I am not sure why. I love it by the lily of valley and my pink bleeding heart.
    Solomon seal.

  5. Shermfa1:28 PM

    Yes, sweet woodruff wants moisture. Can do best in shade.
    I'm looking to source a bulk order on Long Island , so I don't diminish the two patches of my own that are doing well.
    It also likes slightly acidic site said it won't grow under pine trees, however, it's done well at the outer edges of a pine tree bed, and made a lovely accent there.
    Deer hate it!!! so I'm thinking to incorporate some where deer might chew. Example, on the inner side of that pine tree bed, I can now have impatiens...unthinkable before.


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