Monday, September 28, 2009

Living Life on the Edge

Not too much gardening going on right now, been insanely busy with Board of Education duties. The other day though I took a few more butterfly images. Was totally mesmerized by this butterfly dancing oh so close to the spiderweb.

I kept watching carefully because I couldn't tell if it's feet were actually stuck there.

Now I'm thinking I should have poked it a bit with my finger to make sure that it was truly free but I'm pretty sure I remember seeing it fly about.

Also living life on the edge is Calie-the-wonderdoodle-dog who obviously has no problem sleeping in what ever position is most comfortable!


  1. Anonymous10:28 PM

    I love your dog but you know that. I still haven't gotten any kind of dog yet. What am I waiting on when this could be my nightly entertainment.

  2. Funny how dogs can sleep totally sleep like that! Great shots of the monarchs Melanie! I have some catching up to do on your other site...and congrats on the web page~really cool!

  3. "Welcome to my parlor," said the spider to the...butterfly? Wonderful photos that had a happy ending for the butterfly, I hope. Great blog!

  4. Sweet pictures of the Monarch and spider web!
    Got here from Blotanical.

  5. Oh, your photos are gorgeous. :)


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