I'm not sure when I saw my first potted person, it was probably at a flower show. One thing I knew right away though, I had to have one of them in my own garden.
Although I had seen a few smaller potted people, the first one I saw in a private garden was a majestic seated one. There I was, in a lovely garden with 100 people snapping away photos of the daylilies and all I could do was stare in wonder at this potted person.

Of course ideas come and go, so my mind quickly forgot all about having one of these people in my garden. Then I went on another garden tour, this one on Eastern Long Island where I saw this incredible standing creature. I was sold, I just had to have one of these for myself.

In the summer of 2005 I took my daughters along on the National tour of the American Hemerocallis Society which was in Cincinnati OH that year. Emily and I just loved all the potted people and even dogs that we saw.

In the spring of 2006 I designed a children's garden at the Hofstra flower show entitled "Grandma's Garden". Of course the garden needed a Grandma and my chance finally came. I could make a potted grandma!
Well, few things from the flower show usually come home with me but this time I brought home that bunch of pots. We're still working out the right combination of plant material for "hair" but since she is a grandma, we thought we'd try something blue.