(A garden year is never complete without some "to die for" tours. In 07 we were treated to a perfect spring day at Planting Fields Arboretum in Oyster Bay NY)
The beginning of a New Year is a wonderful time. It's a time to reflect upon the last year, and at the same time you can dream of all the incredible things you can do in the new year.
Resolutions? I haven't officially made any...yet. One thing I know is that I missed out on my garden big time in 2007. Was it burn out, or just to many pots on the stove at once?
All I know is that the feeling when I'm in my garden or sharing it with others is one of the most wonderful feelings in the world. My hopes for 2008 will be based around finding my way back to the soil and to this site too.
(Will 08 be the year the Schizophragma hydrangeoides finally covers the ladder?)

As a beginning, I've offered my plant knowledge to our local high school, Walt Whitman HS in South Huntington New York. In a short time I'll be beginning our first ever Adult Education program on gardening. I can't wait!
For now, here's a look at a few of last years highlights.

Hardy Geraniums like this Geranium cantabrigense Karmina are star performers in my perennial borders.

My wish? 2008 I'll finally get a photo of the Polygonatum odorum 'Striatum' (Solomon's Seal) that does it justice. There's a reason it's the first plant that sells out every year at our plant sale. Can you say AWESOME?

Oops! This photo is sideways but you can just imagine my delight when I found that my Ipomoea (Morning Glory) not only seeded itself but grew true to the variety that was there in 2006. With fingers crossed I hope to find a seedling or two again this year and promise to treat it better!

As for me? Just like Arnold...I'll be back!