April showers bring May flowers...
Well, it's been pouring all morning. Thunder-storming torrential rains!

This first photo was taken two days ago at my friend Gianna's house. She is so incredibly talented and I just love her muscari pond with her faux swan swimming along.
The garden sure needs this rain so I'm not complaining.
Luckily I took a photo the other day of my double blood root in bloom. They are so fleeting but oh so lovely too. The foliage is also divine so they are well worth growing for that alone.

I wish this shot was a bit clearer but my rinky-dink camera just isn't up to it. These bloodroots have been in the garden for a number of years thanks to George Rasmussen. They've been horribly slow to increase but are not in a good spot at all. Last year I took a single division and put it in the back shade bed where the soil is much better and the sprinklers deliver lots of water. Walking Calie in the rain just an hour ago I noticed that the single division is now 4 or 5 and will be blooming on our next sunny day.
Hooray! Hopefully I've found the right spot for these beauties and I'll have some to share in the near future.
Thinking Green,