Last year a woman brought me a large pot with green growth coming out of it. She said that she didn't know the name of the plant but that it grew very well in her garden. She went on to tell me that if I planted it in my garden I'd always have LOTS of it to sell at my plant sales.
Hmmm, with a description like that I was afraid to plant it in the garden until I knew what it was. I decided to leave it in the pot, it looked perfectly happy there. Later, in August, it bloomed and I knew then that it was Physostegia virginia which I had grown many years ago in my first house. I don't remember it being invasive, I just remember being a bit unhappy that it flopped around and that by the time I realized it was going to flop it was covered with bees and I couldn't stake it.
This spring the pot was still on top of the ground and full of green growth. I slid the plant out of the pot and could not believe the mass of roots inside.
Does Physostegia run or flop for you?
P.S. Even though it rained most of the morning we had a wonderfully successful sales day. Right now I'm locked into my chair here, there's not too many parts of my body that don't hurt :-)
Tomorrow we are going to try for a potting marathon. My goal is a ridiculous 200 pots but you have to aim high. Think we'll get it done?