Although we posted our opening time as 10:00 am, we had our first customers just before 8:00. Watching them load their pickup truck full of plants we did wonder if there would be anything left at the official opening!
Sure enough by noon there was slim pickings. The shade plants went like hotcakes. The above photo shows our Polygonatum odoratum (Solomon's Seal) and like every other year, they were unbelievably popular.
Phlox, Astilbe, Daylilies, Hosta and more, they all went flying up the driveway and off to new homes. In total, 30 students from the Marching Band participated in our sale and they earned over $2,000 for them to go to band camp! One enterprising new member worked like crazy pulling the wagon to customers cars and at the end of the day he admitted he also made a pocket full of tips! Maybe next year some students will spend less time throwing frisbees and more time pulling wagons :-) What ever, it made me so happy to look at our front lawn and see all those young adults enjoying the glorious day OUTSIDE, away from computers, games and TV.
Obviously, I've taken a hiatus from posting here. Last week my federated garden club held their flower show and I was the staging chairperson. Plus my daughter Lauren had the senior prom so it was truly crazy. Now it's time to get back to my own garden here. I've had the chance to purchase some new specialties, over the next day or two I hope to be able to share them here.
Once again, thank you so much for all your wonderful support!