From the title of today's post you might think I'm going to write about photography. Nope, not at all where my mind is right now. Instead, my mind is all over the place, way too many things going on and not enough brain cells to dedicate to a single task.
So, I have been trying to focus, focus on what is most important at this moment. Unfortunately, that focus does not include much creative genius for blogging. I know I've been slow here the last few weeks, hopefully once life settles down a bit I will get back to things full steam ahead.
Isn't this daylily just stunning? It's 'Blowing Bubbles' by Joel Thomas Polston of Dayton Ohio. I'm not usually a fan of the round ruffled daylilies but this one opens perfectly like this with every bloom.
We've had so much rain and humidity the past week. It was a surprise when the sun peeped out this evening for an hour or two. Almost immediately the butterflies came to the Buddlea (butterfly bush).
I might have to vote the Agastache as the bloomingest summer perennial. It has just been fantastic for so long now. Next year I need to make sure I get more of these beauties. What you can't tell from the photo is how delicious the foliage smells. Yum!
Ah ha, more my type of daylily here with the oldie but most beautiful 'Asiatic Pheasant' which is mid-late bloomer in my garden.
One more shot for you shade lovers. I don't remember planning this combination of white Stokesia (stokes aster) with the Brunera 'Jack Frost' but wowza! What a perfect pairing.
Ok, now I feel a bit better although this post isn't up to par with my usual prose.