What is an invasive plant? For that matter, what is a weed? Is it just a plant that grows in a spot you don't want it to grow in?
Some plants reseed easily such as the charming Viola 'Bowles Black' and the unusual yellow blooming Sedum aizoon 'Lemon Snowflakes'. Does the fact that they self sow make them invasive? At one time I thought I had too much 'Lemon Snowflakes' but now I have hardly any of them here at all.
What about all the little creeping Sedums such as Sedum acre? They creep into little cracks and crevices and I just adore them all.

The dark purple plant in this photo is Eupatorium rugosum 'Chocolate'. It is a total thug. It is also absolutely beautiful. What do you do with this plant? In my garden I have only myself to blame as I begged a friend for multiple pieces.
I refuse to pull it all out as I do so love the foliage color but I've learned to never let it get as dense as you see in this photo. Once it establishes itself like this it has a root system that you need a pick ax to get through. I let single pieces of it emerge in spots though and then try the year after to remove a few of the runners so there's only bits and pieces around here.
My poor mom was given the job of attacking a massive patch of this plant. One thing in it's favor, it will grow in full sun and also grow in dense shade.

There's quite a few plants growing in my garden that people might consider "invasive". The Lysimachia clethroides (Gooseneck loosestrife) seen in the backdrop here is one of them. I have had this plant contained in a spot of the garden for many years but this year I see it has finally broke free of it's underground prison.
Yesterday I pulled up some of the stray runners, they come up easily and so I decided to leave a few behind.
When it comes to potting these plants up for sale, I don't know what to do. Many times people tell me that they have a tough spot where they can't get anything to grow. I have some excellent, beautiful perennials that would fit the bill but I still hesitate to share the wealth.
What do you think? Do you grow plants like these and do you share pieces of them?