Ah spring, a gardeners time for rejuvination.
Right now we've got a few more weeks, maybe a month to go before we can really start doing anything outside. As a gardener, my dreams of spring are as exciting as my dreams of winning the lottery. There's just so much that could be done, the possibilities are astounding.
Some people consider bulbs the first harbinger of spring. For me, it's the shade gardens. So many of the earliest perennials are blooming in the shade garden before the trees leaf out. Yes, there are bulbs here too but because of squirrels and rabbits, I don't have as many as I should. Plants like Hellebores, Pulmonaria, Primula, Dicentra (bleeding hearts), and Epemedium just make me melt.

Oh and the vendors!
There's nothing like the excitement of shopping for plants and garden products in the spring.

Maybe this year I will find more fantastic Brunera or even some hot new Sempervivum.
Main Street nursery in Huntington always has some of Jim Glover's newest things, I think his plants are just awesome.
Tomorrow I'm having lunch with Mary Kay. It's sure to be a plant-a-holic kind of conversation!

This beautiful yellow Azalea has been in a pot for a year. I hope it's still alive. If so, I promise to get it in the ground this spring!
I've been so frustrated this week with these photos that I'm just going to get this message off even if it's rough. Hopefully there'll be something to see!
1 comment:
These pictures are making me eager for spring! Your cowslips have made such a nice clump...I just hope mine are back this year! Funny, I have a similar yellow azalea (called Sunny Side Up or something...I liked the name as much as the flower!) that I left in the pot forever...it finally got planted just as fall ended last year...I see that area gets quite a bit of water rushing through, so I'm not sure what that will mean for the azalea...will it make it or will it not??!
Enjoy your posts!
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